Safe & Easy Donations Helping Today, Helping Tomorrow
Personal Info

Please donate generously, bank details are below:

Account Name: Love The Orphan
Bank Name: Lloyds Bank Plc
Sort Code: 30 84 58
Account Number: 60545768
Iban: GB45 LOYD 6016 1331 9268 19
Swift Code: LOYDGB21091

Your tax-deductible donation is greatly appreciated !

Donation Total: £10.00

Personal Info

Please donate generously, bank details are below:

Account Name: Love The Orphan
Bank Name: Lloyds Bank Plc
Sort Code: 30 84 58
Account Number: 60545768
Iban: GB45 LOYD 6016 1331 9268 19
Swift Code: LOYDGB21091

Your tax-deductible donation is greatly appreciated !

Donation Total: £10.00

Personal Info

Please donate generously, bank details are below:

Account Name: Love The Orphan
Bank Name: Lloyds Bank Plc
Sort Code: 30 84 58
Account Number: 60545768
Iban: GB45 LOYD 6016 1331 9268 19
Swift Code: LOYDGB21091

Your tax-deductible donation is greatly appreciated !

Donation Total: £10.00

Contact Us

65 Bedford Rd, West Ealing London W13 0SP


+ 44 207 096 0600


Meet Charity Projects

Current main project that the Love The Orphan is involved in is with Dar Aytam orphanage in Garissa in Kenya Taken from YMA (Young Muslims Association).